

Centre for Cardiometabolic and Vascular Science


Centre for Cardiometabolic and Vascular Science

The core goal of the Centre for Cardiometabolic and Vascular Science is to understand the biological and molecular mechanisms that control a) lipid metabolism, inflammation and tissue damage in cardiometabolic and autoimmune diseases and b) the functions of blood vessels to translate this knowledge into novel therapies for cardiovascular and other human diseases.

A major focus of our research is understanding the transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism and its impact on inflammatory pathways by lipid-activated nuclear receptors and how the angiogenic cytokine, VEGF, signals endothelial cells in blood vessels to mediate its vital functions in vertebrates.

Head of Centre



A major focus of research in this centre is Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).



We supervise PhD student study, students should have an upper second class degree or above.



View publications by members of staff.



For more details and interest in using these techniques, please contact the appropriate researcher.