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PrintORDER FORM for the Internet Grammar of English
(commercial companies)

Please complete this Order Form and send it to:

Christine Bowles
Survey of English Usage
Department of English Language & Literature
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Do not forget to sign the form. We cannot accept faxed copies.

Name: ____________________________________________

Institutional Address:







Type of Licence required (please tick):

Licence Within EU Outside EU

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Note: UK VAT of 17.5% must be paid for all commercial orders within the EU.

How to pay

EITHER BY Credit Card OR Sterling Cheque


Pay by Credit Card - form1. Credit card

To make a credit card payment click here for the credit card processing form.
Complete the form as requested. The same form can be used for more than one purchase.

Credit card processing form


Pay by STERLING cheque2. Cheque drawn on a British bank

Cheque payment must be in Pounds Sterling, drawn on a British bank, and made payable to "UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (SURVEY OF ENGLISH USAGE)".

We regret that we cannot accept payment by bank transfer or Eurocheques. Sterling cheques can be issued by overseas banks for a small fee.

Please note that all bank fees must be paid by you.


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Certification (this section must be completed for all orders) 

I hereby certify that I have read the Licence Agreement and that I will use the corpus and the software in accordance with the type of licence issued, as specified therein.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Name (capital letters): ____________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________

Upon receipt of order form and payment, the software will be sent out to you. Any queries regarding your order should be addressed to Christine Bowles (ucleseu@ucl.ac.uk).

This page last modified 20 September, 2012 by Survey Web Administrator.