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I will make employee contributions from my pensionable salary into SAUL. I understand that I will not be able to participate until the next Annual Anniversary date, 1st May 2023 or until I experience a Lifestyle Event if sooner. Tick one of the boxes below which applies to the election to opt out of PensionsExchange. Opt out - on commencement of this current period of SAUL membership Completed form* to be returned to Pension Services before the end (preferably sooner) of the 1st month of the commencement of your С̳ employment. Opt out at 1st May 2023 Annual Anniversary Date Completed form* to be returned to Pension Services no later than 30th April 2023. Opt out experience a Lifestyle Event Completed form* to be returned to Pension Services by the last working date of the month at the latest, to be included in PensionsExchange with effect from the 1st of the following month.* Take a copy and keep for yourself Signed .. Date .      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