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Temple Administration in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

In the New Kingdom the temple of Amun in Thebes became an important institution in the administration of Egypt. Its head was the high priest of Amun (Hm-nTr n imn literally 'first god's servant of Amun'); under him there were the second, third and fourth priest of Amun. The temple offered the state a secure place of administering and developing large agricultural estates, and its enclosure-walls provided safe high ground for grain stores, protected from the annual river flood and from human attack. In effect the temple of Amun became the branch of state administration for governing Upper Egypt. On a smaller scale, temples throughout Egypt acted as local branches of state administration - the 'banks' of ancient Egypt.

High priest of Amun on Digital Egypt

Minmontu - high priest in the early 18th Dynasty, perhaps under Ahmose Lefebvre 1929: 227-228 (§ 3); Bierbrier 1977: 1242

Menkheperresonb - high priest under Thutmose III Lefebvre 1929: 233-235 (§ 8)

Mery - high priest of Amun under Amenhotep II Lefebvre 1929: 235-237 (§ 9)

Amenemhet - high priest under Amenhotep II Lefebvre 1929: 237-239 (§10)

Paser - high priest under Ramesses II Lefebvre 1929: 252, no. 20

Nebwenenef -high priest under Ramesses II  

some other titles and people related to the administration of the Amun temple

overseer of the double granaries of Amun | conductor of festivals of Amun | fourth priest of Amun


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