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Amarna: depicting the wife and daughters of the King

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depictions of Nefertiti

Samson 1978: 20, pl. 2
Samson 1978: 68, pl. 40
Samson 1978: 67, pl. 39
Samson 1978: 66, pl. 38
UC 010 UC 103
UC 101
UC 102
these reliefs belong to inlays, which decorated walls, see a reconstruction

Arnold 1996: 26, fig. 18
Stewart 1976: 11, pl. 7.4
Samson 1978: 41, pl. 18
Samson 1978: 49, pl. 24
UC 073
UC 080
UC 038
UC 040

depictions of princesses

Samson 1978: 53, pl. 27
Samson 1978: 25, pl. 8; Arnold 1996: 109, figs. 104-107
Samson 1978: 29, pl. 11
Stewart 1976: 13, pl. 7.13
Samson 1978: 44, pl. 20
Samson 1978: 51, pl. 26
UC 24279
UC 002
UC 082
UC 039
UC 401
UC 083
from a column in the central palace
from a calcite balustrade

On representations of women in Amarna art:

Arnold 1996: 85-119 (Arnold distinguished five different types of queen Nefertiti in sculpture)


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