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On Art in the Second Intermediate Period

The art and culture of the first half of the 13th Dynasty is in all its aspects part of the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC). In the second part of the 13th Dynasty a growing number of people settled along the eastern fringes of the Eastern Delta. These people had their own culture, a variant of the contemporary late Middle Bronze Age culture of the southern Levant. The culture of the 13th Dynasty in Upper Egypt suffers a decline, with gradual or sudden loss of principles underlying such features as orthography in hieroglyphic inscription. Even royal monuments no longer attain a certain level after the mid-13th Dynasty. 17th Dynasty art is still in the tradition of the Middle Kingdom. While the monuments commissioned by the king are again of relatively high level, the arts do not show this level in non-royal work.

13th Dynasty and Second Intermediate Period stelae
17th Dynasty: Royal relief from Koptos
Scarabs of the Second Intermediate Period: Levantine influence and production
UC 14450, stela of the Second Intermediate Period
UC 14780, relief found at Koptos
UC 60992, scarab of the Second Intermediate Period


Further examples of art in the Second Intermediate Period (most likely 17th Dynasty)
(click on the images to see a larger picture)

UC 14659, statuette of the Second Intermediate Period UC 16649, statuette of the Second Intermediate Period
UC 16648, statuette of the Second Intermediate Period
UC 16660, statuette of the Second Intermediate Period
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