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New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) art: relief style

The following picture gallery illustrates the development of styles of relief (sculpture in two dimensions) for non-royal monuments in the New Kingdom. Typical examples are chosen for each phase. The division into phases should not be considered as rigidly fixed: ancient production involved different styles and developments side by side. Some of the following examples may date later than the style suggests at first hand. Differences in quality and expertise should also be considered. Lower quality art works are often hardest to date by style.

Early 18th Dynasty

The relief style is modelled on that of Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC) non-royal monuments. Clothing and personal adornments are simple.

Examples (click on the picture to see a larger image)
unknown provenance
unknown provenance


Reign of Amenhotep III

the relief is often of the highest quality. Women and men are generally shown in elaborate garments. The narrowing 'almond' eyes are especially characteristic of this period.

Examples (click on the picture to see a larger image)
unknown provenance
Saqqara ?
unknown provenance


click here for Amarna Period art


End of 18th Dynasty

Figures tend to show strongly the influence of Amarna style, indicated by small torso, extended head, and short legs, as in the proportions of children.

Examples (click on the picture to see a larger image)
unknown provenance
unknown provenance
unknown provenance


Ramesside Period

The figures are often shown in long flowing garments, and tend to be slender.

Examples (click on the picture to see a larger image)
unknown provenance
unknown provenance
unknown provenance



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