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Badari, Tomb 3802

Sequence Date: 37-43 (about 3600 BC)

Grave with two partly disturbed bodies, a woman, and a child about eight years old.
(for the selection of objects in the tomb compare: burial customs)

finds belonging to the woman

UC 9565
(string of carnelian ring beads and Natica shells)

finds belonging to the child

UC 9551-9563 ivory bracelets

UC 9566

other finds:

UC 9548

The pottery types: UC 9547 (C70k); UC 9546 (B57b); UC 9545 (B55b)



Brunton/Caton-Thompson 1928: 51, pl. XXXII (tomb register), pl. XLVIII, 6 (photos of some finds)

measurements: 107 x 127 x 155 (depth) cm


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