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Burial customs: Ptolemaic Period

objects found in elite burials

UC 40094
Shabtis (attested at the beginning of the period, but not by the end of it)
UC 55210
Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figures as well as other wooden figures of deities (most popular: Isis, Nephthys)
UC 38509
amulets, arranged on and inside the mummy wrappings
UC 14181 canopic boxes; canopic jars fell out of use; in the early Ptolemaic Period the organs were sometimes placed into canopic boxes
coffin or sarcophagus: often quite rough and plain, while the cartonnages and mummy masks found inside are very fine.
mummy masks became very common
mummies were often covered with decorated pieces of cartonnage
UC 32373
Book of the Dead (common)

for burials of lower classes see tombs at Matmar

The Greek population followed Greek burial customs. There are many urns known from Alexandria; and there are some entirely Greek style coffins known from Egypt. Finally the custom to place objects of daily use in a burial starts again under the Ptolemies. The custom seems to be related to Greeks living in Egypt.


Greek style coffin | burial with daily life objects


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