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Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)

Son of Philip II of Macedon. He came to the throne in 336 BC. His principal political and military objective was the destruction of the Achaemenid Persian empire, the main enemy of the Greeks at this time. 334 BC he entered Asia by crossing the Hellespont and arrived in Egypt 332 BC. According to Greek historical sources, the Egyptians welcomed him. In the same year he was crowned as Pharaoh in Memphis and visited in the following year the oracle of Amun at the oasis of Siwa. The 7th April 331 BC is the official date of the founding of Alexandria. In April 331 BC he left Egypt. In 323 BC he died in Babylon after he had conquered the whole Persian empire including westernmost India. He had divided Egypt into two parts for administration each, governed by an Egyptian (Doloaspis and Pietesis). After his death he was worshipped as a god. His body was mummified and placed in a tomb in Alexandria, where it was still visible in the Roman Period. His son became officially ruler of the empire, while one of his generals Ptolemy (later king Ptolemy I) ruled as satrap (governor).

Horus name: Mekkemet
Prenomen: Setepenre Meryamun
Nomen: Alexander

Burial place: Alexandria

A posthumous head in stone of Alexander the Great (?)

UC 64845, head of Alexander the Great (?) (click on the image for a larger picture and more information on the cult of Alexander the Great)


main sources are classical authors:

Links: Alexander (Birkbeck University)


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