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King Ka
(reading of the name uncertain, maybe Sekhen)

King shortly before the First Dynasty

Burial place: Abydos



Kaiser 1964: 92-96 (attestation list and full discussion)
Kahl 1994
: 38-40 (with full attestation list)
Petrie 1925a: 4-5 (attestation list)
Wilkinson 1999: 57-68

Attestations in Helwan: Saad 1947: 112, pl. LX.

in Tell Ibrahim Awad: van den Brink 1992: 52

Places in Egypt where objects with the name of king Ka have been found.

Cylinder jar from Tarkhan Tomb 261 with the name of King Ka.

Petrie 1913: pl. XXXI, 67.





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