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Ptolemy (XII) Neos Dionysos (Ptolemaios XII) 80-51 BC

Son of Ptolemy IX. His reign was interrupted 58-55 BC by the reign of his daughter Berenike IV. He was succeeded by his son Ptolemy XIV and his more famous daughter, Cleopatra VII.

Horus name: Hununefer Benermerut Tjenisunebetrekhythenakaef Duanefkhnumshepsershezepenefkhatemhedjet Sensenensehenuemhaauminedjitef Tjehenmesuthernesetitef-mihorkanakht Itypesedjemtameri-mihepankh Redinefhebusedashauweru-miptahtatjenenitnetjeru
Nebty name: Werpehti Khenteshneheh Semenhepu-midjehuty-aa-aa
Golden Falcon name: Aabity Nebqenunakht-mizaiset
Prenomen: Iuaenpanetjernetinehem Setepenptah Irmaatenre Sekhemankhamun
Nomen: Ptolemaios (ankhdjet-meryptahiset)

Burial place: Alexandria

Attestation in the Petrie Museum:

UC 55624 fragment with the cartouche of the king (?)
UC 14523, bock from Koptos UC 14523 (block found at Koptos, from the South gate ? ; Arnold 1999: 216)
UC 14357, detail mentioned on stela from Memphis (click on the image for an larger picture)

Further Attestations:



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