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Sety II (Sethos II) (about 1200/1199-1194/93 BC)

King of the Nineteenth Dynasty. There continues to be much debate over the exact sequence of events in the late Nineteenth Dynasty, after the reign of Merenptah: fragmentary or scattered manuscripts and inscriptions provide inconclusive evidence for the relations between Amenmesse, Sety II, queen Tawesret and Siptah.

Horus name: Kanakht Werpehti
Nebty name: Nekhtkhepesh-der-pedjut-9
Golden Falcon name: Aaneruemtawnebu
Prenomen: Userkheperure Setepenre
Nomen: Sety Merenptah
Burial place: rock cut tomb in Thebes (Valley of the Kings 15)

Attestations in the Petrie Museum:

wooden object

Further Attestations (selective):



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