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Fayum Neolithic, Pottery
Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 35 divides the Pottery from Kom W into five types:

1. Small bowls and cups

UC 2502, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 37 pl. XVI.1, XVIII. 23 (Kom W)

2. Cooking bowls and pots

UC 2523, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 37, pl. XIX.40 (Kom W)

3. Pedestalled cups

4. Cups with knobbed feet

5. Rectangular dishes with 'peaked' rims


Different kinds of treating the surface can be distinguished:
(Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 35-36)

red-polished (mainly the dishes of no. 5)

black-polished (only sherds are preserved)

unpolished slipped and smoothed (only one pot and one sherd)

rough-faced (pots of no. 1)


Sherds (from Kom K and W)

UC 2512, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XVII. 10

UC 2511, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XVII.12

UC 2513, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XVII.24

UC 2805, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XVII.19

UC 2809, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XVII.21


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