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The Fayum in the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC)

The Fayum seems to have attracted particular royal attention in the Twelfth Dynasty. King Senusret I had a great monolith similar to an obelisk erected at Abgig. King Senusret II built his pyramid complex at Lahun, next to the 'entrance' of the Fayum. Amenemhat III one of his pyramid complexes at Hawara, slightly farther into the Fayum basin. He also left some other important monuments in the region demonstrating a special focus on the Fayum. On the north side of the lake, at Qasr es-Sagha were found a planned settlement, cemetery and temple all belonging to the Middle Kingdom.

relief fragment, from a temple (?) (click on the picture for a larger image)
UC 51434
UC 3993


for a Middle Kingdom settlement, excavated at Qasr es-Sagha see:

Sliwa 1992


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