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Food production in Badarian period

No detailed study on the food production in Badarian period is available, but see the comments of the excavators, Brunton/Caton-Thompson 1928: 41:

"apart from herds of oxen, sheep, and goats which we may suppose to have been domesticated, game abounded; birds and fish were also plentiful. The crocodile was made use of, though we cannot say that is was eaten. Cereals were known, but what species is uncertain. Husks were found with the deposit of saw-edged flints, and also in one of the cooking-pots. The grain was perhaps pulled up, as the usual Predynastic sickle-flints are not found, and the saw-edged knives would not be very suitable for reaping. The grain was stored in clay bins; made into bread, apparent remains of which are found in graves. Porridge no doubt was a common form of food, and was ladled out of the pots with large dippers or spoons, which could be carried hung from the belt.

... As there are no fish-hooks, for certain, we conclude that fish were caught by means of nets only."

See also Krzyzaniak 1977: 69, who mentioned two kinds of grain for Badarian

Food production in Egypt


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