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Gurob: the 3d reconstruction: comments

Not much survived from the town and palace of Gurob. Petrie and Borchardt published rough plans of two big buildings in the middle of the town, surrounded by a wall. Petrie saw in them temple buildings, while Borchardt interpreted them as palace complex. On Digital Egypt for Universities they are reconstructed as palace complex, following Lacovara 1997a: 36-37. The northern building is taken to be the palace, and the slightly smaller building to its south is an economic building with houses of servants etc. Brunton saw north of the palace complex many pot sherds still lying on the surface. They must have come from a settlement which formed the town of Gurob. Therefore a town is reconstructed around the palace but especially in the north. The general street layout of the reconstruction follows the houses and plan of Amarna in a general fashion: it is not intended as an accurate guide to the original structures.


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