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Gurob, background information

  • from 11th February 1888 and 1889 (two seasons)- Hughes excavated parts of the cemetery of Gurob for Petrie
  • 1900 Albert Daninos
  • 1904 excavations by S.L.Loat (Loat 1905); temple and animal cemetery
  • 14th June 1905 - Borchardt visited Gurob, he produced a map and published a short description (Borchardt 1911: 2-3)
  • 11th January - 6th April 1920 excavations by G. Brunton and R. Engelbach

The excavation reports:

Further reading:

  • Arnold 1977 (a short summary)
  • Arnold 1996: p. 27, fig. 20, pp. 31, 33, figs. 23, 26, p. 127, fig. 124, pp. 129, 136 (catalogue with the famous head of Tiy from Gurob and some other objects from the site)
  • Bell 1985 (on tomb 605 and its importance for Mycenaean chronology)
  • Borchardt 1911: 2-4 and passim (on objects from Gurob in the Berlin Museum: abb. 2 is a plan of the building, which Borchardt identifies as a palace)
  • Chassinat 1901 (on the discovery of an undisturbed tomb at Gurob)
  • Cleveland 1992: 209-210, no. 26, 258-260, nos. 50-51 (postulating a Gurob style/workshop for high quality small scale wooden sculpture)
  • Gardiner 1948: 14-35 (transcription of the Gurob papyri)
  • Gorzo 1999 (a short summary)
  • Griffith 1898: 91-98, pl. pls. XXXVIII-XL (publication including transcription and translation of some Gurob papyri)
  • Kemp 1978 (arguing that Gurob was the site of a New Kingdom palace)
  • Lacovara 1997 (the stratigraphy of the site, with short description on the present condition)
  • Lacovara 1997a: 36-37, fig. 33 (the palace of Gurob in relation to the other known palaces of the New Kingdom)
  • Meskell 2002: 36-37 (discussing Gurob as regional centre)
  • Politi 2001 (on the Gurob papyri and the 'burnt groups', drawing attention to the Hittite law that the personal objects be burnt at the death of the lady of the house)
  • Seidlmayer 1990: 341-347 (on the First Intermediate Period burials)
  • Thomas 1981 (catalogue of the finds from Gurob in the Petrie Museum)



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