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Gurob, papyrus 32795

front side: larger fragment
picture | transcription

[...] small bag
the king's wife Maathorneferure (may she live)
(the daughter of) the great ruler of Khatti
[...] DAyt garment of 28 cubits, 4 palms, breadth 4 cubits, [bag?] of 14 cubits, 2 palms, breath 4 cubits - 2 items
[...] palms, breath 4 cubits

smaller fragment
royal linen, idg-garment (head-cloth)
royal linen, mss-garment (bag-tunic)
royal linen, sDw-cloth (triangular cloth) of first quality

back side: the larger fragment
picture | transcription

[...] day 26, despatch from Heracleopolis ...
[...] filled, which are in the house of the deliveries (?) ...
[...] sailing ahead of (?), the scribe Hori
[...] day 27, arrival of the king's scribe Meh at the house of [...]
[...] member of the palace of women Wen [...]

the middle size fragment
picture | transcription

[giv]en (?) for requirement of the work project
[...] of craftsmen 20, qnin jars (?) 10,
[...] 10, royal linen [...]


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