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Memphis: The palace of Apries

The palace of Apries is situated in the northern part of the town on a platform about 13 m high. It was built in mud bricks but parts of the walls were covered with limestone slabs. A great courtyard and a second hall (marked 'mandara' on the excavation plan - perhaps the throne room) were adorned with limestone columns. Some capitals bear the name of king Apries, who was therefore most likely the builder of the palace. The building may be mentioned the one by Strabo (Geography 17.1.32): palace ... 'though now in ruins and deserted are situated on a height and run down to the ground of the city below'.

plan and photographs published by Petrie (click on the images to see larger pictures or to see more)

reliefs found
3 D models

finds from the palace
small finds
Achaemenid Iranian seals
Aramaic inscriptions
scale armour
UC 15991
UC 58385, Persian seal impression aramaic inscriptions
UC 63415, scale armours

Further reading:

further comments | compare the palace complex | remains of a gateway found


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