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Faience in Nubia, Napatan and Meroitic Period

One of the highlights of arts and crafts in Nubia is the production of faience objects. Already the Kerma culture seems to have produced faience on a substantial scale, but especially in the Meroitic Period faience objects are common, and distinct in details of production from those in Egypt. More research is needed into the technology of Nubian faience: the precise dating of the following objects is only certain when the object bears the name of a king.

(click on the images for larger pictures)

Faience objects of the Napatan period. They are in general very close to Egyptian prototypes.

shabtis from royal burials
votive offerings found at Meroe
UC 13218 UC 13221 UC 13219 UC 44311 UC 44026 UC 43943 UC 43949  
Two amulets ('red crowns'), found at Sanam
plaque with hierogly-phic inscription
votive offerings (?), Meroe with name of Aspelta
UC 38682 UC 38683

Faience objects of the Meroitic Period (about second century BC to fourth century AD). Some of these objects are made in a Greek-Roman classical style and may, like some glass vessels from Meroitic sites, have been imported from the Ptolemaic and Roman worlds.

fragment of a statue of a king
disk with classical head
amulet in shape of a lion
UC 43929
UC 43950
UC 43950
UC 44156
UC 44028
Amun ?
amulets ?
UC 44089 UC 44333



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