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Meroe: 'palace' M 294

Meroe, plan of building M 294


The structure "M 294" was first interpreted as a palace building. Garstang did not excavate the whole complex, but found a cachette with many high quality objects, mainly belonging to the Napatan period. Török 1997a: 152-161 argued that this was the site of the Amun temple of the Napatan period. The objects found perhaps belong to the temple treasures or a votive deposit. The later building on the site M 294 might then be a palace built over an earlier sacred precinct.

some of the votive offerings in the Petrie Museum (click on the images for a larger picture)

name of king Malonaqen
votive offerings inscribed with the name of king Aramatle-qo
jackal head
head of a monkey
base of double statue
faience plaque showing naked woman
UC 44026 UC 44311



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