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Nuri, burial place of some Napatan kings and queens

(18°33' N 31°55'E)

(click on the photographs for a larger picture)

The kings and queens of the Nubian empires of, successively, Napata and Meroe were buried in small pyramids. Nuri was the burial place in the Napatan Period. It is one of the cemeteries of the town Napata.

Nuri tomb no. 1, king Taharqo tombs of queens (click on the picture to see two shabtis found at Nuri)

Pyramid of Senkamanisken at Nuri (tomb no. 3)
UC 13217 UC 13218 two shabtis, from 867 found in the tomb
pyramid of Senkamanisken at Nuri
the pyramid of Senkamanisken at Nuri (Dunham 1955: 41-47)



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