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Pottery in Early Dynastic Egypt

Statistically these are the ten most common pottery types found in Early Dynastic Period tombs, with from 339 to 84 examples of each (Hendrickx 1996: 46, tab.4.).

Most are subtypes of one main type (number 46), indicating a dominant single function for pottery in burial goods (supply of fat in addition to grain, as staple foods).


type 46h (see Tarkhan tomb 20, 694, 1877) 339 examples

type 46d (Tarkhan tomb 20, 694)

46f (Tarkhan tomb 16, 20, 315)

46m (no tomb in Digital Egypt)

49d (Tarkhan tomb 16, 1579, 1877)
UC 17304 (Tarkhan)
UC 17301 (Tarkhan)
UC 17287 (Tarkhan)
UC 17297 (Tarkhan)
UC 17317 (Tarkhan)
60d (Tarkhan tomb 315, 414, 474)
49l (Tarkhan tomb 414, 1549, 1579 photo, 1702 photo)
60g (Tarkhan tomb 694)
46k (no tomb in Digital Egypt)
(no vessel of this type in the Petrie Museum)

(no vessel of this type in the Petrie Museum)

84 examples

UC 17189 (Tarkhan)
UC 17328 (Tarkhan)
UC 17305 (Tarkhan)

pottery in Egypt | pottery of daily life in Early Dynastic Egypt


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