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Examples of Islamic Period Pottery

glazed pottery

Glazed pottery is typical for the Islamic Period in Egypt, but there is evidence that is was already introduced in the Byzantine Period (Engeman 1990). In contrast to Faience and the glazed materials of the Pharaonic period, true glass was used as glazing. Colours were produced by adding metallic oxides. When transparent it could be applied over paintings.

Fatimid Period (10th-11th century AD)
UC 25420 UC 25425 UC 50650 UC 50649

Mamluk Period

UC 25417 UC 25403 UC 25409

unglazed pottery

Water jugs had often filters built into the neck for keeping out the flies. Especially the examples from Egypt are produced with great delicacy (Lane 1947: 27). date 11th - 13th century.

UC 25354 UC 25353

Most of the pottery of daily use produced in the Islamic period (including down to today) is unglazed.

water bottle

Vessels of uncertain function, with compact fabric: suggestions for use vary from military projectiles to storage of vintage wine

Fatimid to Mamluk Period (10th-13th century AD)

further reading:

Philon 1980


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