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Section 3

'scarab series'

Scarabs of the type known for mid-Dynasty 13 kings with filiation (in general Martin back-type 6) attest to a wide variety of names and titles, and in several instances the same name and title recurs on several scarabs (here denoted 'scarab series').

The most substantial early series is that of Senebsumai, recorded by Martin 1971 as with back-types 6 predominantly but also 3 (1), 4 (1, from Lisht tomb 405), 5 (1), 7 (1), and 10 (2).

Scarabs of the type known for Hyksos and non-Egyptian names (in general Martin back-type 10) attest to a far lesser number of names and titles, and belong mainly to scarab series for men titled treasurer or king's son.

These peak in the treasurer Har series, recorded by Martin 1971 as with back-types 5 and 10 predominantly but also 4 (x2), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8 (1).

Earlier series

UC 11463 commander of the ruler's crew Sobekhotep son of commander of the ruler's crew Mentuhotep (identified by Ryholt as the future Sekhemrasewadjtawy Sobekhotep (III) son of Mentuhotep)

UC 11463

UC 11472 treasurer Nebresehwy
UC 11485 treasurer Senebsumai
UC 11472
UC 11485

Later series

UC 11591 eldest king's son Nehesy, back-type 10
UC 11597 eldest king's son Nehesy, back-type 10
UC 11591
UC 11597

UC 11600 eldest king's son Qupepen, back-type 5
UC 11601 king's son Seket (?) back-type 10
UC 11600
UC 11601


The Har series and possible by-products

Scarabs of Har

UC 11486 back-type 10
UC 11488 back-type 5
UC 11489 back-type 10
UC 11486
UC 11488
UC 11489

UC 11490 back-type 10
UC 11491 back-type 10
UC 11492 back-type 10 - note determinative disappearing into border
UC 11490
UC 11491
UC 11492

Note too the example with r omitted, Martin 1971, pl.11.8

Scarabs with treasurer titles only - might these be by-products from the Har scarab series production?

UC 11513 from Tell el-Yahudiyeh, back-type 10 (already in Historical Scarabs, no.462)

UC 11513

Scarabs with poorly attested treasurers - might these also derive from the Har scarab series production?

UC 11479 'Rediha' back-type 10
UC 11507 'Rediha' back-type 10
UC 11479
UC 11507

There is also the scarab read 'Sadi' by Kim Ryholt, Martin 1971, no.1672, pl.30.6 (Cairo, from Fuad I collection)

A problematic example

UC 11514 clear writing of title of treasurer followed by inverted shen-loop, m, unclear central group - is this an otherwise unattested treasurer (Martin, Ryholt), or a random assemblage of signs? Where should the attestation be situated on the spectrum of meaningfulness, given parallels available in the surviving record?

UC 11514


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