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Sedment tomb (?) 1300

date: Second Intermediate Period (about 1600 BC)

1300 was a grave with a high number of objects. The character of the burial is not really clear, but it is possible that it was not a burial at all, but, as the excavators suggest a 'dump for lootings from other burials in the cemetery' (Petrie/Brunton 1924: 18). Most of the objects found belong to the Late Middle Kingdom or Second Intermediate Period. Especially remarkable is the shabti-like figure UC 18822.

(for the selection of objects in the tomb compare: burial customs)

(click on the images for larger pictures)

UC 18816 UC 18817 UC 18818 UC 18819 UC 18820 UC 18821
UC 18822 UC 18823 UC 18825 UC 18826 UC 18827 UC 18828 UC 18829
UC 18830 UC 18834 UC 18835 UC 18843
UC 18847 UC 18848 UC 18850 UC 18851 UC 18852 UC 18853
UC 18854 UC 18855 UC 18856 UC 18857 UC 18813 UC 18814


Petrie/Brunton 1924: 18, pls. XL, 2-36; XLI


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