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Tarkhan, the Great Tombs: the 3D reconstruction

Tarkhan tomb 2050
The 3D reconstructions of the Tarkhan tombs are based on a mixture of archaeological data and assumptions. The general plan and outline of these tombs is known from Petrie's excavation report (see plan of tomb 2050).
The reconstruction of the roof is therefore the main open question. There are many coffins of the Old Kingdom which are also decorated with a palace facade. These coffins always have vaulted lids with straight ends. It seems therefore possible to assume that the tombs had similar roofing. The coffins might even copy the palace facade tombs.
UC 14288

The palace facade tombs are decorated all around with a niche brick structure. The reconstruction of the upper end of these niches is a problem. However the false door seems to have been developed from these niches. The general appearance of such false doors might therefore give an idea of the facades of the Early Dynastic tombs. There are also some better preserved niche facades built in stone, from the Old Kingdom. They also give an idea of how the upper part of these tombs is to be reconstructed.



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