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Thebes: Important personalities of the 21st Dynasty
(represented in the Petrie Museum)

UC 19632 Henuttawy

'King's wife'. Several women with this name are attested. The 'king's wife' is most likely the wife of Pinodjem I.

Kitchen 1986: 49-55, § 42-48

UC 39860 Pinodjem I

'High Priest of Amun'. He assumed parts of a royal titulary.

UC 39863 Maatkare

Also called Mutemhat, daughter of Pinodjem I. She bears the title 'God's wife of Amun'.

Kitchen 1986: 58-61, § 48-49

UC 39867 Asetemakhbit

Asetemakhbit, wife of Menkheperre.

Kitchen 1986: 62-63, § 51

UC 8968 Pinodjem II 'High priest of Amun'.
UC 14226 Neskhons

She is the wife of Pinodjem II; she died in year 5 of Siamun and was buried in the royal cache.

Kitchen 1986: 65-66, § 53

UC 14239 Nestanebtasheru

Daughter of Pinodjem II. Owner of the longest surviving funerary papyrus (BM EA 10553).
Copper vessel found in the 'royal cache'.



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