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Thebes: demotic ostracon: account (Ptolemaic)

Nur-el-Din 1987: 42-43

UC 32050, Demotic ostracon

  1. The list of the capital (DADA) which belongs to Pasherthot
  2. in the hand of Thotiu: five talents, 225 silver pieces
  3. The profit: 425 silver pieces
  4. Another account for Usermaa, year (?) 18,
  5. makes seven talents, 65 silver pieces. In details.
  6. What has been given to Panakhtnetjer out of them 400 silver pieces
  7. what has been given to Pasherthothat: 55 silver pieces and 5 kite, makes 455 silver pieces and 5 kite,
  8. without them five talents, 209 silver pieces and five kite again
  9. for the rest of the freight of his donkey: 25 silver pieces
  10. makes five talents 234 silver pieces and five kite.
  11. What belongs to him in the hand of Thotiu:
  12. Another (account): 80 silver pieces. What belongs to him in the hand of Pabema



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