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Theban Tombs

Tombs and tomb-chapels later than the New Kingdom, allotted numbers


Dynasty 21

70. original owner name unknown; tomb taken over later by Amenmes, overseer of sandal-makers (?) in Amun domain, Dynasty 21

307. Tjanefer, Ramesside Period or Dynasty 21

320. Inhapy, early Dynasty 18, tomb used in Dynasty 21 to rebury bodies from tombs of kings and their families


Third Intermediate Period (Dynasty 21 - 22)

117. name unknown, Dynasty 11; tomb taken over later by Djedmutiufankh, draughtsman of Mansion of Gold

348. name unknown, high steward, Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Naatmutnakht, door-opener of the Gold House of Amun


Dynasty 25

132. Ramose, overseer of the treasuries of Taharqo

391. Kerebesken, mayor of Thebes

404. Akhamenru, high steward of the god's priestess


Late Period (Dynasty 25 - 26)

27. Sheshonq, high steward of the high priestess of Amun

33. Padiamenipet, chief lector priest

34. Montemhat, mayor of Thebes

36. Ibi, high steward of the high priestess of Amun

37. Harwa, high steward of the high priestess of Amun

126. Hormose, commander-in-chief of troops of the Amun domain, Late Period (?)

128. Patjenf, mayor of Edfu and Thebes

160. Besenmut, true king's acquaintance

190. Nesbanebdjed, priest at the fore of the king

191. Wahibranebpehty, director of the festival

196. Padihorresnet, high steward of Amun

197. Padineit, high steward of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibra

209. Seremhatrekhyt, court official

223. Karakhamun, first priest with entry

242. Wahibra, official of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibra

243. Pamu, mayor of Thebes

279. Pabes, high steward of the god's wife

312. Nespaqashuty, vizier

388. name unknown

389. Bes, mayor of Thebes

390. Irtyru, female scribe and attendant of the god's priestess Nitiqret

392. name unknown

407. Bintenduatnetjer, chamberlain of the god's priestess

410. Mutirdis, chief follower of the god's priestess

411. Psamtek

414. Ankhhor, mayor of Memphis, Oxyrhynchus and Bahriya oasis, high steward of the god's priestess

B3. Hauf, head of the production-area of the Amun domain

C14. Ankhefenthut Neferibraseneb


Ptolemaic Period

380. Ankhefenrahorakhty


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