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Daggers and short swords

Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC)


(UC 40681 dates to the Second Intermediate Period, if it is not a fake)

Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D37
Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D43
Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D44
Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D45
Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D47
Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D57

New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

short swords

Petrie 1927: 29, pl. XXXIV, D52 (?)
  Qau tomb 7618

Late Period - Roman

iron, date ?

Müller 1987: 54, 62-64 (typology of daggers and swords of the Middle to the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC))


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