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    EARTH, BODY., Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture, 4 m x 2 m

    Earth, Body. explores personal everyday moments of questioned presence for Bodies of Colour who reside within colonial spaces. The work examines cultural structures which inform ownership of one’s presence, where one’s body is allowed to reside and the blurred line of consent which informs which bodies are able to touch, encroach, question and hold power over other bodies through social, cultural and political impressions. The work explores this by dissecting forms of violent gestures, through movement, displacement and language, and is concerned with how these violent gestures impress into and distort the presence of Bodies of Colour. 

    ©the artist

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    EARTH, BODY., Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture 4 m x 2 m

    ©the artist

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    EARTH, BODY., Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture 4 m x 2 m

    ©the artist

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    EARTH, BODY., Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture 4 m x 2 m

    ©the artist

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    EARTH, BODY., Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture 4 m x 2 m

    ©the artist

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    BOD(Y)IES THAT WEATHER, Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture, 0.5 m x 1.5 m

    Bod(y)ies That Weather presents an environment where I embody my own ecology as a means of presencing in colonial environments. The work contains gathered earth from spaces where I have experienced colonial socio-political violence/s which I used to create pigments for use in casts of my thumbs. The thumbs were then combined with plants which I have been propagating in my home, by creating holes in the cast thumbs and threading the roots of the plants through the casts. Placing these signifiers of my body in water surrounded by soil, the work examines ways which my female Body of Colour weathers politically, socially, culturally and materially in everyday colonial environments. The work was exhibited in an outdoor location for a number of months, interacting with the natural environment, creating its own ecological environment with algae naturally occurring, growing around the cast of my thumbs and the propagated plants.

    ©the artist

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    BOD(Y)IES THAT WEATHER, Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, sculpture, 0.5 m x 1.5 m

    ©the artist

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    DAMP ATMOSPHERE, Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2020, soundscape

    Damp Atmosphere explores moments of having my presence questioned/disrupted within various local, national and global environments. The soundscape replaces language used to describe my physical body with language used to describe the environment and natural resources Intertwines natural matter, earth, dust and water with my embodied Female Body of Colour. The work recite a moment/s of disabled presence by an encounter/s of a repetitive Colonial questioning/s, and the impact these moments have on disabling my connections to my environment and body.

    ©the artist

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    flesh to flesh
    flesh to flesh, Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2021, sculpture and performance, 1 m x 1 m

    ©the artist

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    flesh to flesh
    flesh to flesh, Davinia-Ann Robinson, 2021, sculpture and performance, 1 m x 1 m

    ©the artist

  11. Davinia-Ann Robinson – MA/MFA

    Curriculum Vitae


Davinia-Ann Robinson – MA/MFA

My practice examines how ‘Presencing’, fugitivity and tactility undo colonial and imperial frameworks through which nature and Bodies of Colour are articulated, by exploring the relationship between Black, Brown and Indigenous soil conservation practices and what she terms as ‘Colonial Nature environments’. Her work addresses personal interactions with ‘colonial emotions’ she has encountered, in local, national and global environments as a Black Female Body, building on my intense relationship with soil as a living material explored through sculpture, sound, writing and performance.