
  1. Previous Next
    Installation photo of wooden artwork on wooden table
    Breaking Waves, Amber Xiangning Lu, 2023, wood, lead, plastic, sound (45:00)

    ©the artist

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    Still from video, ship on water and its reflection
    Distant Ship, Amber Xiangning Lu, 2022, video (45:00)

    ©the artist

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    Black frame containing video
    Meteor, Amber Xiangning Lu, 2023, paper, fabric, wood, video (3:47 loop)

    ©the artist

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    Open book (wooden frame), with video inside
    Meteor, Amber Xiangning Lu, 2023, paper, fabric, wood, video (3:47 loop)

    ©the artist

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    Glass sculpture, screwed to wall, with horse hair inside
    End of the Sentence, Amber Xiangning Lu, 2021, glass, copper, horse hair

    ©the artist

Amber Xiangning Lu – MA/MFA/PhD