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    Ship Mountain (2022-present) is the ongoing research project of artist Bowen Zhang (B. Zhoushan Archipelago). It is also the artist’s attempt to utilise the archipelago's nature (decentralized & infinite grouping possibility) to structure art practices, research interests and non-hieratical idea networks. The Ship Mountain project is currently investigating issues concerning personal and public relationships with manual labour, performativity, and masculinity within the fishing industry. (The previous artistic research focuses on the colonial history between Zhoushan and the UK, and gender dynamics in a nuclear family that relies on close-water fishing for income). The research outcome of the Ship Mountain Project included sculpture, found objects, material experiments, writing, performances and images. The project has developed a material vocabulary including steel, rust, salt, net and so on which are frequently experimented with and used in artistic production.
    List of Ship Mountain 06/03/2024, Bowen Zhang, 2024, text

    ©the artist

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    Installation photo of 2 x figures cut from sheet steel.
    Ship Mountain - You are just peeking, Bowen Zhang, 2024, mild steel sheet, plywood 2 x 1 x 0.5 m, 1.5 x1.2 x 0.5 m

    ©the artist

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    Triangular steel sculpture with a ledge on top, on one side of this is a small model of a sailing boat.
    Ship Mountain - The Gifted Triangle, Bowen Zhang, 2024, gift, steel 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.5 m

    ©the artist

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    Installation photo of sculpture of part of ship's prow cut from steel sheeting, red at the bottom and white on the top. with the number "801" on one side
    Ship Mountain - Ship-801, Bowen Zhang, 2023, mild steel, 2.5 x 1.5 x 1m

    ©the artist

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    Installation shot, a wooden pole/peg on a wall with a long loosely woven rectangle draped over it down to the floor. The shorter end is discoloured by salt (?).
    Ship Mountain - Untitled, Bowen Zhang, 2023, cotton, salt, wood, dimensions variable

    ©the artist

Bowen Zhang – MA/MFA

Bowen Zhang (B. Zhoushan) is a Chinese artist currently based in London and the Zhoushan Archipelago. Drawing inspiration from his family's deep roots in fisheries and manual labour, his islander and Chinese diaspora identity, and vast travelling experiences, Bowen’s practice delves into the topics concerning the fishing industry/labour market, power structures regarding gender and class, and leisure tourism. Bowen’s artistic endeavours span mediums such as object-making, writing, social activism, and actions, offering a multifaceted exploration of his heritage and its intersection with contemporary issues.

Born and raised in Zhoushan, Bowen spent his formative 18 years immersed in an environment shaped by the coastal landscape and the cultural fabric of his local community. His grandfather's engagement in fishing and his grandmother's role in sewing provided a rich backdrop for observing work dynamics and traditional gender roles within his family. Witnessing his father's evolution from manual labour to becoming a small pelagic fisheries business owner and navigating the family's attitudes toward education, labour, and occupation became pivotal influences on his artistic/political reflection and expression. These observations served as certain field research resources for his re-examination of some underlying social issues through the artistic lens in later years.

Having extended his experiences beyond Zhoushan since 2017 to locations such as Australia, the UK, Tanzania, Germany, Italy, and France, Bowen has accumulated a diverse and nuanced understanding of Chinese culture, particularly within coastal areas and islands. This global perspective informs his artwork, which serves as a reflection of the transformative societal shifts in Chinese society since the 1978 Economic Reform, the evolving dynamics of labour and identity, and other related political and social issues.

In his current artistic practice, Bowen addresses performativity and masculinity within the fishing industry and explores the personal and public relationships with labour in mainland China. Additionally, Bowen utilizes the archipelago's nature to structure art practices and decentralized organizations as well as offering a poetic and political perspective on leisure tourism and its implications.

Other than the “making” practice, Bowen also dedicated his time to community practice concerning the Chinese diaspora and non-hierarchical structure. In 2022, Bowen founded the West Secret Society, a minority student-led critique based at Slade, С̳ and granted with EDI funds, and Action Guide Organization, an open platform for performance art focusing on re-enactment and social change. Through these platforms, Bowen actively seeks alternative narratives for migrants in the UK and aims to empower marginalized voices.

Bowen Zhang's artistic practice serves as a bridge between personal heritage and broader Asian cultures/society, offering a narrative that intertwines individual experiences with universal themes of identity, community, and societal transformation.

Bowen graduated from the University of Sydney in 2021, majoring in Visual Art and Finance. Currently studying in the MA Fine Art Media programme at the Slade School of Fine Art (С̳), His artwork has been the subject of group exhibitions in London, Sydney, and Shanghai, as well as multiple site-specific installations, performances, and workshops.