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    Abstract watercolour painting on paper depicting central lime green form with darker tones of green radiating out from and around form, merging with cerulean blue at top corners.
    Ether, Rose Shuckburgh, 2024, watercolour on paper, 115 x 165 cm

    ©the artist

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    Monoprint on paper with white border around plate edge, depicting green marks swelling and circling a small black hole off-centre to the right.
    After the Rain, Rose Shuckburgh, 2023, monoprint on paper, plate size 24.5 x 29.5 cm

    ©the artist

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    Abstract painting on paper, yellow and green marks radiate from a white centre in a wing-like formation, bolstered by black along the left edge and yellow on the right edge.
    Untitled, Rose Shuckburgh, 2024, watercolour on paper, 115 x 165 cm

    ©the artist

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    Ceramic surface with a black sphere within a brown oval form, bordered with mottled brown and white.
    The Promise of Seasons, Rose Shuckburgh, 2024, earth slip and dolomite glaze on crank clay

    ©the artist

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    Monoprint of an abstracted plant-like form in pale red tones against black.
    Untitled, Rose Shuckburgh, 2024, monoprint on paper, 28 x 20 cm

    ©the artist

Rose Shuckburgh – MA/MFA

My practice encompasses painting, making, poetry and photography, and catalogues a personal relationship with the natural world. Continuously informed by the environment encompassing my childhood home in rural mid Wales, my work mirrors the animistic view I have of this place as active and imbued with spirit, existing not as something separate to me, but as something interwoven with my own life. My current body of work takes inspiration from bulbs, seeds and leaves, examining the poetics of how land gathers, stores and emits colour and energy throughout the seasons, embodying the duality of containment and release.