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    Close up of multiscreen installation.
    Tomato Egg Noodles, Xiya Wang, 2023, multi-screens, wooden furniture, video installation

    ?the artist

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    Multi-screens, wooden furniture, video installation
    Tomato Egg Noodles, Xiya Wang, 2023, multi-screens, wooden furniture, video installation

    ?the artist

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    12/26, Xiya Wang, 2024, plaster, wooden display stand, video installation

    ?the artist

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    Plaster, wooden display stand, video installation.
    12/26, Xiya Wang, 2024, plaster, wooden display stand, video installation

    ?the artist

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    House structure made of black and white photos, connected with paperclips on a small round wooden table.
    Gezellig, Xiya Wang, 2024, photo installation, paper clips, wooden display stand

    ?the artist

Xiya Wang – MA/MFA

My works are mainly based on photography, installation and moving images, which delve into Asian cultural memory, individual space and boundaries, to explore identity, diaspora and context of “home”. My work is also a pursuit for shelter through everyday objects, working on visualising the dialogue between human body with space and still life, caring about the therapy from moving image.