
  1. Previous Next
    It is a 210 x 170 cm oil painting with a flat pink body lying in the middle of the image with pink cones lined up as barriers on either side of it. It is a dream-like space with bright colours of pastel pink, orange, yellow and green depicting abstract shapes around the body.
    Pink, Jane Wu, 2024, oil on canvas, 210 x 170 cm

    ©the artist

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    It is a 264 x 160 cm triptych oil painting of a flat body doing a handstand inside a swimming pool that goes across the three canvases lined up from left to right. There are some grass above the swimming pool, the grass to the top left is in a night scape whereas the grass to the right is in day time. The colours are vibrant that divides the space around the swimming pool, making up a fake reality.
    Handstand triptych, Jane Wu, 2024, oil on canvas, 264 x 160 cm

    ©the artist

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    It is a life sized yellow flat body shape sculpture in a yoga cat and cow pose on a pink yoga mat. It is stabilised by two rounded base on the hands and feet, with hand weights balanced on its leg and ankle weights on its ankle.
    Yoga Class: Cat & Cow, Jane Wu, 2024, Jesmonite, Crystacal R Plaster, brusho powder, quadraxial fabric, hand weight, ankle weight and yoga mat, ​​110 x 62 x 23 cm​

    ©the artist

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    It is a life sized green flat body shape sculpture in a yoga downward dog pose on a pink yoga mat. It is stabilised by two rounded base on the hands and feet, with hand weights balanced on its hands and ankle weights on its ankle.
    Yoga Class: Downward Dog, Jane Wu, 2024, Jesmonite, Crystacal R Plaster, brusho powder, quadraxial fabric, hand weight, ankle weight and yoga mat, ​​135 x 73 x 23 cm​

    ©the artist

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    It is a life sized blue flat body-shaped sculpture in a meditation pose on a pink cushion and placed on a pink yoga mat.
    Meditation, Jane Wu, 2024, Jesmonite, Crystacal R Plaster, brusho powder, quadraxial fabric, cushion and yoga mat, 100 x 80 x 35 cm​

    ©the artist

Jane Wu – BA/BFA

​​Born 2001, Shanghai.​

Child's play is intuitive, which negates the hierarchy of materials, de-contextualising objects from their environments. Through sculptural assemblage and installation, including the idea of a painting as an object, the flat shape of a body is captured through casting. Having these concrete shadows in meditation and yoga movements, they act as tentative and discrete dwellings that ground the spirit. The works are playful and sweet yet devoid of meaning, lacking belonging but trying to be autonomous in a fake reality. There is a subversive undertone to being happy and cute as it is a glamorous surface of short-lived feelings, vaguely whispering the darkness and the unknown, an ephemeral label that is unstable like the human emotion.​