
Junyi Lu

Junyi Lu was born in Guangzhou, China in 1996. Her practice focuses on the correlation among entities perceived through daily living experiences as well as research in ecotheory, socioeconomic politics and the flux of social information in folklores and contemporary digital realms. Based on both sensational and intellectual perceptions, her works explore various media and materials. Representations are manifested through diverse visual languages; they stimulate semiotic abduction that engages viewers in a process of reading, interpreting, feeling, connecting, thinking, imagining, and creating. This organic process is hoped to inspire a nonverbal awareness of our integrated world.

  1. Here Trees Are 45ft Apart
    Here Trees Are 45ft Apart, Junyi Lu, 2022, oil, acrylic, pastel, spray paint, marker, thread, aluminum wires, found objects on canvas; tree models, plastic wine glasses, plasticine, and chains on pub tablessize: 140 x 170 x 70 cm

    ©the artist