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Sound work and Reading Room, a radio show broadcasting audio work, discussion, talks and other aural miscellany from graduating students from 7pm (BST) on Tuesday 14 July 2020). On Twitch:

Featured Media

Slade Radio 2020
Slade Radio 2020, 2020
Slade Radio 2020
Slade Radio 2020, 2020

Slade Radio: Sound work and Reading Room, a radio show broadcasting audio work, discussion, talks and other aural miscellany from graduating students to a sound source near you from 7pm (BST) on Tuesday 14 July 2020).


Slade Radio Programme

Mataio Austin Dean
The Jumbee sugar cane and the Cutty Wren
What is the Cutty Wren?

Geraldine Snell
Making a cuppa etc

Hayley Rackham
The Onion Split
Glass Gills

Don't Feel Gentle Yet Audio
Happiness Audio

Bo Choy
Sad Leaders

Pav Putley