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Martin John Callanan, Global
Martin John Callanan, Global, 2012

Martin John Callanan, Global


Martin John Callanan has a solo exhibition across six spaces at , the city of Palma's contemporary art gallery and archive, including two new works.

Ten years in the making, and shown here for the first time, , an archive of thousands of photographs of the ground in locations important to society. A set of 200 are displayed across three slide projectors.

, a new work for this exhibition, a newspaper listing - in Catalan - all wars fought during my lifetime.

, amasses from across the internet, the front pages of over 960 newspapers from around the world and displays these images within the space of a single scrolling projected display.

, an animation which takes the content generated by search queries and reduces this process to its essential elements: search terms vs. frequency searched for over time, presented in the form of a line graph.