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The Life of St. Bede
The Life of St. Bede, Monster Chetwynd, March 2022, installed at Durham Cathedral

photo: David Wood

Monster Chetwynd and Katie Paterson were among the artists invited by a panel of artists and curators, convened by the National Glass Centre, to create a new glass work as part of Glass Exchange, showing at Durham Cathedral and Ingleby Gallery (Katie Paterson) until Sunday, September 11, 2022. For further details .

Monster Chetwynd’s commission, The Life of St Bede, is sited in the timeless beauty of Durham Cathedral. Her work features four colourful and imaginative dioramas capturing key scenes from the life of St Bede. Chetwynd’s commission is on display in the Galilee Chapel at Durham Cathedral until Sunday, September 11 2022.

Part of Katie Paterson‘s work on Glass Exchange is also being shown in Durham Cathedral. She is delivering two inter-related projects which tell the story of earthly existence: a series of hand-blown hourglasses containing material from before the Sun existed; and a glass urn filled with a dust that spans billions of years including the evolution of humankind over the last few millennia.

Requiem will be exhibited at Ingleby Gallery in Edinburgh from Saturday, April 9 until Saturday, June 11 before being shown at National Glass Centre from Saturday, June 18, until Sunday, September 11, 2022.

A timepiece, from the series, The Moment, will be displayed at Durham Cathedral and National Glass Centre.

Images: David Wood