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Slade 2022 scholarships awardees
Slade 2022 scholarships awardees, 2022

Top left: Selina Scott, A Change in the Wrong Place (2021); Niki Kohandel
Middle: Gillies Adamson Semple, Round Music, 2022; Jonah Alexander, Time Time Doesn't have a Stop, 2022
Bottom: Josephine Rock & Max Norton; Blythe Cheung & Ivan Kashdan

We are delighted to announce recent graduates Gillies Adamson Semple (MFA), Jonah Alexander (BA), Josephine Rock & Max Norton (MFA), have been awarded Boise Scholarships, and Selena Scott (BFA) the Dolbey Scholarship. Current students Blythe Cheung (Blithe Germ) & Ivan Kashdan (MFA) and Niki Kohandel (BA) have been awarded Jeanne Szego Scholarships.
Many congratulations to all of our awardees, we look forward to seeing their future projects.

Top left: Selina Scott, A Change in the Wrong Place (2021); Niki Kohandel
Middle: Gillies Adamson Semple, Round Music, 2022; Jonah Alexander, Time Time Doesn't have a Stop, 2022
Bottom: Josephine Rock & Max Norton; Blythe Cheung & Ivan Kashdan