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The InterWorlds project aims to increase knowledge of transcultural practice generally; in doing so, to contribute to decolonising the curriculum. Specifically, the project highlights how the transcultural enriches art practice as a vital means for connecting ideas and people and for developments in contemporary art. It promotes considerations of how cultural hybridity arises through interrelations between varied sources and means. 

The InterWorlds online archive presents artwork and texts by Slade staff, students, alumni and visitors who have contributed responses to the importance of the transcultural in art and in their personal practice. The archive has a long-term aim of staging an exhibition by selected archive contributors. The InterWorlds archive is part of the Inter Worlds project at the Slade that includes a series of talks funded by Institute of Advanced Studies at С̳ as well as the British Art Network. The Inter Worlds project is led by PhD candidate Jasmir Creed and supported by Professor Sharon Morris and Professor Kristen Kreider.

* image includes material of a sensitive nature involving animal cruelty and death