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How are places remembered and interpreted? How can we open up a dialogue between past and present, between individual experiences and collective memories?

Featured Media

Billboard, Ioana Marinescu, 2017, installation with archival image, 500 x 240 cm, Bucharest
Removal, Ioana Marinescu, 2015, installation and performance
Off the Map. In Bucharest
Off the Map. In Bucharest, Ioana Marinescu, 2006, film still
Nürnberg Tryptich
Nürnberg Tryptich, Ioana Marinescu, 2017, vinyl photographic prints in found frames, 50 x 121 cm + 121 x 121 cm + 49 x 121 cm, Roaming Room, London
Removal, Ioana Marinescu, 2015, installation and performance
Billboard, Ioana Marinescu, 2017, installation with archival image, 500 x 240 cm, Bucharest
Off the Map. In Bucharest
Off the Map. In Bucharest, Ioana Marinescu, 2006, film still

How are places remembered and interpreted? How can we open up a dialogue between past and present, between individual experiences and collective memories? I investigate the relationship between space and memory in cities affected by totalitarian interventions. Do official political narratives of a place reflect or contradict its collective and individual histories? How do artists interpret these histories and what is specific about their role?

I take as main case-study the central area of my hometown Bucharest, erased in the 1980s by the political regime of Ceausescu to build a new centre of power. Through interviews, writing and site-specific works I try to bring back forgotten memories to erased sites. I interpret memory drawings and use various mapping techniques to imagine a lost territory. I explore the relationship between image, space and voice through large-scale projections and live-readings.


Primary supervisors: Hayley Newman, Sharon Morris
Secondary supervisors: (University of Regensburg)