



Progress report April 2023

TIDAL N+ launched in January 2022 and finishes 31 August 2024. This is our mid-term progress report, setting out what we have achieved to date (April 2023), and our plans for the coming months.

Our sets out what we've achieved to date in each area of activity relating to our objectives:

TIDAL community development

  • Establishing the Network and bringing people together through workshops and our Doctoral Colloquiums and Symposium.

TIDAL Mapping

  • A series of short, focused projects, guided by our consultations with partners.

TIDAL Research

  • Funding for eight research projects around £60k each for interdisciplinary teams with an excellent research hypothesis for solving a clear unmet need, industry placements of up to 2 months for academics, encouraging industry-funded placements into academia.

TIDAL Education and Dissemination

  • Activities in this workstream include webinars to raise awareness of TIDAL themes and our work, developing policy notes based on the work in the other workstreams, engagement with young people and local innovators, and GDI Hub Live events themed to TIDAL N+.
