

Institute of Archaeology


Corinna Riva awarded German Research Fellowship

16 August 2021

Corinna Riva (°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Institute of Archaeology) has been awarded a Fellowship by the University of Erfurt Max Weber Kolleg, Germany to undertake research on Citizenship and Religion in 1st Millennium BC Mediterranean: Etruria and Iberia.

Corinna Riva, Associate Professor, °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Institute of Archaeology

Corinna Riva's one-year Fellowship at the Max Weber Centre (Kolleg) for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, based at the University of Erfurt, will commence in Autumn 2021 and is situated within the framework of their Distinguished Fellowship Programme and the research group: 'KFG: Religion und Urbanität'.

The main aim of Corinna's research project is to evaluate whether, and the extent to which, parallel trajectories occurred in the non-Greco-Roman Mediterranean regions of Etruria and Iberia, and hence uncover the diversity of solutions to socio-political cohesion in urbanism across the 1st-millennium-BC Mediterranean, thus contributing to global studies on urbanism and citizenship. As part of her research, Corinna will examine political theory on state power and violence, strategies of inclusion and exclusion and of social negotiation, and community.

In addition to undertaking this research project during her Fellowship, Corinna has also been invited to participate in the interdisciplinary programme of colloquia and seminars taking place at the Max Weber Kolleg, giving a research presentation in one of the weekly colloquia.

Corinna has also recently been elected as membro estero (member abroad) of the, the Italian National body that promotes Etruscan archaeology. Corinna's recentÌý±¹´Ç±ô³Ü³¾±ð (2020: Bloomsbury), explores the Etruscan language, which long remained wholly indecipherable; the Etruscan landscape; and the 6th-century growth of Etruscan cities and Mediterranean trade.

Congratulations Corinna!