

History of Art


CSCA Annual Lecture: Ming Tiampo - Mobile Subjects Contrapuntal Modernisms

04 October 2022, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Ming Tiampo

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Danae Filioti – History of Art


IAS Forum
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) South Wing, Wilkins Building
Gower Street

Professor Ming Tiampo will present the lecture: Mobile Subjects Contrapuntal Modernisms.

Related Material:

  • Liz Bruchet, Ming Tiampo, "Slade, London, Asia: Contrapuntal Histories between Imperialism and Decolonization 1945–1989 (Part 1)", British Art Studies, Issue 20.

    Transnational Slade aims to explore and map the global networks and trajectories of influence of the school’s alumni and staff. A key objective of this project is to enhance and challenge known histories of the Slade and to facilitate research with its rich archival resources. This phase of the project is in collaboration with the , part of the research project, and Ming Tiampo, Paul Mellon Centre London, Asia Award Holder and Professor of Art History, Co-director of the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis, and Director of the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture at Carleton University, Ottawa.

About the Speaker

Ming Tiampo

Professor, Art & Architectural History at Carleton University, Ottawa

Ming Tiampo is a Professor of Art History at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She is a scholar of transnational vanguardism with a focus on Japan after 1945. Tiampo’s book Gutai: Decentering Modernism (University of Chicago Press, 2011) received an honorable mention for the Robert Motherwell Book award. In 2013, she was co-curator of the AICA award-winning Gutai: Splendid Playground at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

In addition to her work on Gutai, Tiampo has published on Japanese modernism, war art in Japan, globalization and art, multiculturalism in Canada, and the connections between Inuit and Japanese prints. In 2013, she co-edited Art and War in Japan and its Empire: 1931-1960 (Brill Academic Press). She is currently working on two books: Decentering Globalism is an interdisciplinary and methodological analysis of World Studies. Paris from the Outside In: Art and Decolonization considers Paris as a site of intersection to investigate the historical conditions of global modernism. Tiampo is a founding member of the Center for Transnational Cultural Analysis at Carleton University, serves on the advisory boards of the Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin, and the Tate Research Centre Asia, as well as sitting on the editorial boards of the Archives of Asian Art, the Canadian Art Review (RACAR) and the Journal of Asian Diaspora Visual Culture and the Americas (ADVA).