

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Astrophysics Group


PhD Projects: Extragalactic Astrophysics

Drinking evolved stars and binaries from the Gaia firehose

In 2022, the ongoing Gaia mission released its first full data releaseÌýthat includes not only a deeper 3D motion picture for a significantÌýfraction of the Milky Way, but also catalogs overflowing with binary andÌývariable stars. ÌýIt is not an exaggeration to say that a virtualÌýfountain of discoveries awaits any research student interested in binaryÌýstars and stellar evolution. ÌýAt °×С½ãÂÛ̳, students have recently led aÌýnumber of scientific breakthroughs using Gaia; for example, a new phaseÌýof stellar evolution in which white dwarfs develop active chromospheresÌýlike our Sun, and a previously unknown population of ancient starsÌýthrough unexpected carbon signatures in high velocity red dwarfs. ÌýTheÌýdata-driven and observational project will focus on improving ourÌýunderstanding of white dwarfs and dwarf carbon stars, variability,Ìýmagnetism, binary fractions, origins and evolution. ÌýMany major discoveries are just over the horizon thanks to Gaia.

Contact: Prof Jay Farihi (j.farihi AT star.ucl.ac.uk)

The many scales of star formation: from halos to molecular clouds

Our view of the connection between the large scale properties of galaxies, their environments, interstellar medium, and the physics of star formation is currently being reshaped. New observations are revealing that star formation is a multi-scale process, pointing to a deep connection between the location of galaxies in the cosmic web, their ability to refuel their gas reservoirs, and ultimately turning this gas into stars. In this project, you will explore the connection between galaxies (in particular their cold gas contents and star formation activity) and the large scale environment they occupy (dark matter halo masses and location in the cosmic web) to lend further evidence for this multi-scale connection. You will become a member of theÌý and surveys, making use of these data to quantify the environments of galaxies, with the possibility of getting involved with infrastructure and observing work for these large projects. There is alsoÌýan opportunity to work with ALMA/IRAM/JCMT data, and to collaborate with other members of the °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Extragalactic group on related topics.Ìý

Contact: Prof Amelie Saintonge (a.saintonge AT ucl.ac.uk)

Related projects are also advertised under Cosmology & Surveys.Ìý