

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Astrophysics Group



We expect to offer several ~3-year studentships in astrophysics, instrumentation, and atmospheric/planetary physics for 2025Ìýentry. Funding opportunities available to candidates depend primarily on nationality / fee status, as do fees.ÌýAs outlined on the AdmissionsÌýpage, some EU students will now be considered as ‘Overseas’ due to the UK withdrawal from the EU. Those applicants should follow the advice for ‘Overseas’ applicants below.

UPDATE:ÌýÌýSee ourÌýAdmissionsÌýpage for more advice and updates on fee status for EU nationals.



UK/Home candidates

We will automatically consider UK/Home candidates (including EU nationals who are eligible for home fees - see Admissions) for an appropriate studentship when you apply to us by 26ÌýJanuary 2025. We will place a submission link, in due course, on ourÌýAdmissionsÌýpage.ÌýIf you are from the UK,Ìýyou may be eligible for a studentship provided by the Science & Technology Facilities Council (). This pays UK/Home tuition fees and a maintenance (i.e. subsistence) allowance. More details on the studentships, including their value, can be found on theÌý.ÌýApplicants meeting the relevant criteria are automatically considered for a studentship and doÌýnotÌýneed to apply for a studentship separately.Ìý

In addition, we may have a limited number (to be confirmed) of departmental (non-STFC) studentships that will pay both fees and maintenance for applicants in this category.ÌýÌýOnce again, you willÌýautomatically be considered for these positions when you apply for a PhD in the Department, so do not need to make a separate studentship application.

Applicants whose first language is not English should note the additional requirements in respect of this. Please note that unless you satisfy the requirements mentioned above the department cannot offer you a PhD position (i.e. we are not allowed to make exceptions). We strongly advise that you check whether you meet the requirements, and take any necessary tests such as the IELTS, before making an application; or, if this is not possible, no later than the date of interviews (early March, 2025Ìýin the coming round).

Overseas (EU and non-EU)Ìýcandidates

If you are in the ‘Overseas’ category (i.e. non-EU, or EU who is considered ‘Overseas’ for purposes of tuition fee – see information above), there is no Departmental funding available at present, but you may apply for centralised °×С½ãÂÛ̳ funding shcolarships, see below. °×С½ãÂÛ̳ has consolidated information on funding opportunities (along with other information about financial matters), listed Ìýand here. Please note that it is not the Astrophysics Group’s usual policy to accept students who are not supported by officially recognised funding sources - thereforeÌýif you do not have such funding, you should first apply for the centralised °×С½ãÂÛ̳ funding schemes using the instructions below.

The application procedure for these °×С½ãÂÛ̳ scholarships is quite complex and the awards are highly competitive. Each °×С½ãÂÛ̳ department is only able to put forward a small number of candidates. Your application will need to proceed through several stages:


  1. You must send a CV to physast.phd@ucl.ac.uk, along with an indication of preferred supervisors and research interests, by 1ÌýDecember 2024. Because of the competitive nature of these studentships, you are most likely to have a strong chance if you have a track record in the form of awards or publications; please be sure to include this information on your CV. For guidance on possible research topics and supervisors please see our projects page. You are encouraged to contact individual supervisors for more information about their work before submitting your CV.Ìý
  2. We will acknowledge your CV shortly after receipt, and take a decision on further progression through the process by Ìýaround mid-December, 2024. Please contact us if you do not receive this acknowledgement.ÌýApplicants who are put forward to the next stage will need to complete the formal application at this stage. The committee will provide individual guidance, but note that this full application will need to be completed (and references received) by mid-January 2025.Ìý
  3. In end-January, the final decision is made by the department (including other physics research areas) on which candidates to put forward for the central °×С½ãÂÛ̳ scheme. A final decision by °×С½ãÂÛ̳ is normally reached in early March.

Applicants whose first language is not English should note the additional in respect of this. Please note that unless you satisfy the requirements mentioned above the department can not offer you a PhD position (i.e we are not allowed to make exceptions).

ATAS requirements

The , ATAS, classifies Physics & Astronomy as aÌý'sensitive subject'. For compliance with ATAS, Ìýapplicants from outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland are accordingly required to complete an on-line ATAS application, but only after an offer has been made. No action is required, therefore, at the application stage.


Some scholarship schemes are listed below, but it is also worth asking your local university, government or other contacts for other sources of funding.

  • °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Research Excellence Scholarship (RES). Covers both fees and cost of living, and outstanding candidates have a good chance of being successful. From past experience, successful candidates had at least one research publication at the time of applying. Applicants for the GRS are automatically considered for the ORS as well, so international applications are encouraged!
  • Dean’s Prize incl CSC/Dean’s Prize. Covers the difference between UK and International fees, to be used in combination with another competitive scholarship (ad CSC)Ìýto cover the UK-rate fees and cost of living stipend. These cannot be used togther with one of the funded positions.
  • Chinese Science Council (CSC). These scholarships are open to Chinese nationals to carry out a PhD at °×С½ãÂÛ̳. More information, including the eligibility and conditions of the award, can be found in the link above.


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